
Showing posts from December, 2015


Learning Objective:  Demonstrate project planning skills using storyboard techniques Download the Storyboard Annotation Template HERE Task 1  Insert all pictures in to the Storyboard document. - Main Menu - Instruction Screen - Back Story - Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3 - Level 4 - Level 5 - Winning Screen - Losing Screen - Other Screens Task 2 Write a description for all your screens - Main Menu - Instruction Screen - Back Story - Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3 - Level 4 - Level 5 - Winning Screen - Losing Screen - Other Screens Extension - Explain your Ideas for each screen - Design Decisions for each screen - Rules for each screen - Feedback on each screen How many boxes did you get on the Tracker? Why?


Learning Objective:  Understand how magnetic media, optical media and solid state work What did we do last lesson? Hardware l4 how storage devices work diff.pptx from Clare Applegate Magnetic Storage  Optical Storage SSD Storage KAHOOT


Learning Objective:  Evaluate learning of the Software Unit using revision notes, online resources and assessment. Feedback Test Paper 1 What did I do well? What areas did I not understand? Did I read the questions?  How and What can I do to improve my understanding of Software? Revision.... Test Paper 2


Learning Objective: Understand how to create a loop in Python and use a Boolean variable to define when to stop ITERATION - What is it? What is the process of iteration?  What are the 2 types of iteration?  Who can tell me the difference between these 2 types of iterations?  from random import randint myNumber = randint(1, 100) guessNum = 0 numberGuessed = False guess = 0 print (I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 100…”) print (“Make a guess and I’ll tell you whether the number is higher or lower”) while numberGuessed == False:     guess = int(input(“Enter your guess: “))     guessNum += 1     if myNumber > guess:      print (“Higher”)     elif myNumber < guess:      print (“Lower”)     elif myNumber == guess:      print (“Well done you’ve guessed the number in “ +...


Learning Objective:  Evaluate learning of the Software Unit using revision notes, online resources and assessment. Practice Test! What area do you need revise for the real test? Software: Resource 1  - work through the pages Resource 2 Application Software Links: BBC Bitesize Resource 2 Systems Software Links: BBC Bitesize Utility Software Links: Resource 1 Operationg Systems: BBC Bitesize Test Yourself: Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test time!


Learning Objective:  Recall types of data in Python Describe what a variable is in Python Understand how to use selection and create a simple calculator using Python Achievement books :) What are variables? A variable is just a box that you can store items in: The contents of a variable can change within a program. You need to use the  =  sign to declare a variable MyVariable = Peter (string) MyVariable = 12 (integer) MyVariable = 12.5 (float)


Learning Objective:  Demonstrate project planning skills using storyboard techniques What words/pictures represent your coursework so far? Task 1 Download the storyboard annotation document HERE Save this document in the correct place Task 2 Finish your stoaryboards Take pictures of your Screens! Save these pictures Task 3 Insert the pictures in to the document above. We will go through the first one together. What else have you thought about regarding this coursework? What do you think you will learn in the future during this coursework?


Learning Objective:  Understand what secondary storage is by researching and displaying knowledge. Describe the most common types of secondary storage What is volatile memory?  Non-volatile?  Example?  What might secondary storage mean?  Is your storage device magnetic/optical/SSD? What does magnetic/optical/SSD mean (only explain your one)? What other devices use this type of storage? Advantages of this type of device. Disadvantages What capacity can your device hold? Any other information? Presentation to the class! What 1 thing have you learnt today? Do you have any questions from the learning today?