
Showing posts from 2017


Learning Objective: Understand the requirements of an NEA Consolidate learning of hardware and operating systems Starter: Exemplary NEA Document This is not full marks but can give you an idea of the work that is put into the NEA Main: Task 1 Complete an evaluation of your NEA project. 1. Comment on each subtask and how well you have solved the problem 2. Comment on any improvements you would make if you were to complete this again. Task 2 Work through Homework 14/15 to complete before next Monday Task 3 Work through Homework 16 to complete for the test

Year 7/8

Hour of Code  Minecraft 1 Hour of Code  Minecraft 2 Hour of Code  Python Google Sites Project in Google classroom


Learning Objective: Be able to show your understanding of basic programming using comments in your code. Be able to ensure your code is robust by using a test table. Starter: Open your NEA documents: - Evidence Document - Your Code - Programming slides of NEA Main: Task 1 1. Ensure you have created a full menu with all options, loops and selection (if). 2. Add comments to your code. 3. Screen shot the code of your main menu in to your evidence document. Task 2 1.  Complete slide 3 and 5 of the Programming slides for NEA; adding code for the first option of the menu. 2. Comment on this code. 3. Screenshot the code and place in your evidence document. Task 3 Have you tested your code? Did it run correctly? 1. Develop your testing table using your initial test plan. Test every aspect of your first 2 tasks. Plenary: What will be the next part of the NEA programming? What will you need to do for the next option?


Learning  Objective: Understand how to improve your game by adding music and sound effects. Develop your game independently using resources. Starter: Open your development logs and CIDA  Tracker in Example Pick up any expert cards you think you can help others with.... Main: Task 1 How can I add music and sound effects? Example 1 Example 2 Find music and sound effects files - save this in to your game folders. T utorials have been added to google classroom. Task 2 Continue to program your characters, enemies and collectibles in your game using the resources. Task 3 What aspects have you completed this lesson? What will you do next lesson? Add to the Tracker and your development log. Plenary: Update the Tracker with comments. Book time in clinic

Year 8

Learning Objective:  Be able to explain what  you have learnt whilst creating a website and assessing it’s suitability for a chosen target audience. Starter: WAD Main: Task 1 Open Dreamweaver  Manage Open your template and pages. Complete your designs. Task 2 1. Go to 2. Open the 'Web design Evaluation Document'. 3. Add a screenshot of your Template/pages 4. Annotate in the Web design Evaluation Document Task 3 1. Complete feedback for your partner for each page and the template Plenary: Discuss with your partner: - Was your website suitable for your target auidence? - If so, why? - If not, why? - What would you do next time? Who would like to share this with the class?

Year 7

Learning Objective:  Be able to demonstrate how to program objects independently using available resources. Create a main menu for your game using various resources. Starter: Open up Game Maker Open google classroom - Open the checklist. Where are you? Main: Task 1 1. Use the worksheets to complete the checklist areas. Task 2 Test your game - If it doesn't work, what can you do to work out the problem? Task 3 How do we create a main menu? Example 1. Go to 2. Create a main menu screen to add to your game using the template. 3. Download this and save it into your game folder. 4. Follow the worksheet to put your screen into your game. Extension: 1. How might you make the enemy hurt the main character? 2. How might you program another level? 3. Are there any resources to help you? Plenary: What events did you use when programming today? What actions did you use when programming today? Name one thing you enjoyed doin...


Learning Objective: Understand how to improve your game using a favicon and a loading screen. Develop your game independently using resources. Starter: Open your development logs and  Cida   Tracker in Example Pick up any expert cards you think you can help others with.... Main: Task 1 What is Favicon? What is a loading screen? Example 1 Example 2 Tutorials have been added to google classroom. Task 2 Continue to program your characters, enemies and collectibles in your game using the resources. Task 3 What aspects have you completed this lesson? What will you do next lesson? Add to the Tracker and your development log. Plenary: Update the Tracker with comments. Book time in clinic

Year 8

Learning Objective:  Be able to explain what  you have learnt whilst creating a website and assessing it’s suitability for a chosen target audience. Starter: 1. Complete the Target Audience recap worksheet. 2. How might you remember what your target audience is? 3. What words can you associate with your target audience? Think about: - Language - Colours - Design Main: Task 1 What does it mean to be constructively critical? Discuss  How might you give constructive feedback? Discuss.  Video Practice using our ideas. Think of ways to constructively give feedback on this website  HERE Task 2 1. Go to 2. Open the 'Web design Evaluation Document'. 3. Open DreamWeaver - what must we do first? 4. Add a screenshot of your Template and annotate in the Web design Evaluation Document 5. Complete feedback for your partner. Task 3 1. Add a screenshot of your Pages and annotate in the Web design Evaluation Do...

Yr 8 Testing

Learning Objective: Be able to identify strengths and weaknesses in a website by testing your website. Starter: WAD Manage Sites!? Main: Go to Open the testing table and test your own website Improve aspects of your website ready to conclude.


Learning Objective:  Be able to import data from a file using Python Starter: What is a variable? Where have we used variables so far? Main: Task 1 1.  Open IDLE 2. Open your Main menu file 3. Ensure you have created a full menu with all options, loops and selection (if). 4. Ensure you have added comments to your code 5. Screen shot the code of your main menu in to your evidence document Task 2 1.  Complete slide 3 and 4 - Read/write to a file Task 3 1.  Complete slide 5  Extension:   Complete slide 6 Complete slide 7/8 Add your new code as a screenshot to your evidence document Plenary: What does the 'w' mean in your code? What does the 'r' mean in your code?


Learning Objective: Understand how to use variables using python. Be able to import data from a file using Python Starter: Test! Main: Task 1 1. Go to google classroom 2. Open IDLE 3. Complete slide 1 - What is a variable Task 2 1. Complete slide 2 - Comments 2. Add comments to your main menu code in your NEA Task 3 1. Complete slide 3 and 4 - Read/write to a file Extension:  Complete slide 5  Complete slide 6 Complete slide 7/8 Plenary: What is a variable? Where have we used variables

Cyber Bullying Lesson

Learning Objective: Create a poster highlighting the issues around cyber bullying. Starter: What do you know about cyber bullying? Main: - Make your poster using this site! Plenary: Show and tell!

Year 7

Learning Objective:  Be able to demonstrate how to program objects independently using available resources. Starter: WAD.. Open up GameMaker and your game. What did we do in the last lesson? Independent working - what does it mean? Main: Task 1 1. Ensure you have completed the programming for your main character to move using the worksheet and experts. Task 2 1.  Ensure you have a collectible - How can you make one? 2. Ensure you have completed the programming for your collectible to be collected (through your main character) using the worksheet and experts. Task 3 1. Ensure you have a sprite and an object for your enemy. 2. Program your enemy to move around the screen. 3. Test your game - If it doesn't work, what can you do to work out the problem? Extension: 1. How might you make the enemy hurt the main character? 2.How might you program another level? 3. Are there any resources to help you? Plenary: What events did you use when programming...

Year 8

Learning Objective: Complete your website design using a variety of resources and tools in DreamWeaver Starter: Manage SITES! Main: Task 1 1.  Go to   2. Complete the Dreamweaver checklist - what have you done so far? What will you do today? Task 2 1. Could you nominate yourself for an expert in one of the tools used in Dreamweaver? 2. Help others if you can Task 3 Ensure you have all areas ticked off in your checklist Extension: 1. Embed videos 2. Find new tools? 3. Help others Plenary: Discuss with a partner what part of today's lesson you found difficult? Why do you think that is? What could you or did you do to overcome the problems? What did you enjoy learning today? Class discussion!

10n2 - Cover

Learning Objective: Consolidate learning of programming by completing a test (Cover) Starter: Go to Main: Task 1 In silence, complete the test on homework 10/11/12 Task 2 Once you have completed the test, work on Homework 13 in Use the blue slides to help you complete the yellow slides. Use to help you complete the pink slides.


Learning Objective: Develop your main menu using selection and iteration. Starter: What is Selection? What is Iteration? Main: Task 1 1. Go to Open the Task 1 - Menu slides. 2. Open your main menu in IDLE 3. Ensure you have created a main menu with your own style, this is my coding: Task 2 Add selection in your coding to allow the user to input their choice on the menu. 1. Go to slide 6 2. Use this code to develop selection for each choice in your menu - have you used numbers or letters? 3. Save and run your program - does it work? Task 3 Add iteration in your coding to allow the user to come back to the main menu after every choice. 1. Go to slide 7 and read the instructions 2. Ensure you have all your coding correctly indented - What does it mean by indents? 3. Save and run your program - does it work? Extension: Look at slide 8 - what can be added? why? Can you add these to make your program more robust? Plenary: What have t...

Year 8

Learning Objective: Understand how to link pages in DreamWeaver and new content to your website design. Starter: What did we do last lesson? What do we have to do 1st? Manage SITES! Main: Task 1 1. Open up your website Template and 4 pages in DreamWeaver. Are there any experts to help each other? 2. Add pictures and text to your pages - Where do we save images from the internet? Task 2 1. Look through your friend's pages. Can you give them some positive and constructive feedback? What could they improve? 2. Improve your work. Task 3 How do we link pages? 1. Ensure you have 4 pages and template saved in the correct place 2. Link your pages...can you help others? How would you test your pages link? Extension: 1. How might you add videos? 2. What other tools could you use to make your website functional?  3. Use YouTube and other resources to help you try new tools! Plenary: Discuss with a partner what part of today's lesson you found difficult? Why do yo...


Learning Objective: Choose appropriate resources to develop your game using GameMaker Starter: WAD Open your development logs and Cida Tracker in Add at least 2 more logs - more? Example Pick up any expert cards you think you can help others with.... Main: Task 1 Book clinic time! Task 2 Using the Tracker and tutorials, develop your characters to move around and interact with other assets. Task 3 What aspects have you completed this lesson? What will you do next lesson? Add to the Tracker. Plenary: Update the Tracker with comments Update your development logs - remember the feedback!


Learning Objective:  Program your main character to move independently using various resources Starter: Open your development logs and Cida Tracker in What new aspects are there? Main: Task 1 Pick up any expert cards you think you can help others with.... Task 2 Using the Tracker and tutorials, develop your characters to move around and interact with other assets. Task 3 What aspects have you completed this lesson? What will you do next lesson? Add to the Tracker. Plenary: Update the Tracker with comments Update your development logs - remember the feedback!

Year 7

Learning Objective: Be able to demonstrate how to program objects in a game using GameMaker Starter: WAD Open up GameMaker and your game. What did we do last lesson? What is the difference between an object and sprite? Main: Task 1 1. Ensure you have completed the wall and added your main character object to the your room. 2. Follow the steps on the worksheet to complete the programming for your main character to move Task 2 1. Ensure you have a collectable sprite/object 2. Follow the steps on worksheet to program your collectable to disappear when it collides with you main character Task 3 1. Continue to follow the steps on the worksheet to create a score board that adds points when your character collects the items. 2. Test your game - If it doesn't work, what can you do to work out the problem? Extension: 1. Make your room in to a maze game - how will you do that? 2. Ensure you have an enemy sprite/object Plenary: What events did you use when programm...


Learning Objective: Describe the difference between sequencing, selection and iteration through pseudocode Starter: What is Sequencing? Selection? Iteration? Main: Task 1 Sequencing : Selection : Iteration : Go to Complete the quiz via the link Task 2 Discuss and help each other to open IDLE. What is IDLE? How do we start programming? How do we run a program we have made? Task 3 Practice basic skills in IDLE to help you remind yourself: - Create a program that displays your name when you run the program - Create a program that asks the user to input their name and say hello to them Plenary: What is Iteration? What is Sequencing? What is Selection?

Year 10 ECDL

Learning Objective: Be able to use basic formulas and functions using MS Excel through completing assignments Starter: 5 Q Quiz! Main: Complete the Assignments in ECDL classroom. What can you help others with? What would you like help with? Plenary: Complete the confidence checker for spreadsheets


Learning Objective: Develop a test plan for your program Starter: Homework? Open your  Evidence document in Main: Task 1 Finish your Test Strategy tables  in your  Evidence document. Use the worksheets to help you. Task 2 What is a testing strategy? Write a testing strategy using the worksheets provided. Task 3 Insert your test strategy into your Evidence document. Plenary: Update the Tracker  HERE

Year 7

Learning Objective: Understand what a game making object is and how to program these using GameMaker Starter: Open up GameMaker and your game. What do you think each part of the left panel is? What do they do? Discuss! Main: Task 1 1. Ensure you have created sprites for your characters. 2. Ensure you have added objects for every Sprite...How? Experts? 3. Ensure you have created a room and background for your game Task 2 1. Create a new sprite that is solid in colour and create an object for this...This will be your wall! What box do we need to tick for this do you think? 2. Add your objects to your room...Build your wall!  Task 3 How do we program our objects? 1. Program your player to move using the worksheets 2. How can you test your programming works? 3. Experts? Extension: 1. Can you program your enemy? What do you want it to do? 2. Can you program your character to pick up your collectable? 3. Can you program your character to die when he touches t...

Year 8

Learning Objective: Understand how to link pages in DreamWeaver and add appropriate content to your website design. Starter: What does Copyright mean? Main: Task 1 1. Open up your website Template and 4 pages in DreamWeaver. Is there any experts to help each other? 2. Add text to your Dreamweaver PAGES (not template...why?) Task 2 1. Find images online that will suit your website 2. Save the images in your Dream Weaver folder. Why must we do this? 3. Insert the images to your Can you help others? Task 3 How do we link pages? 1. Ensure you have 4 pages and template saved in the correct place 2. Link your pages...can you help others? How would you test your pages link? Extension: 1. How might you add videos? 2. What other tools could you use to make your website functional?  3. Use YouTube and other resources to help you try new tools! Plenary: Discuss with a partner what part of today's lesson you found difficult? Why do you think that is? ...