Learning Objective: Understand your progress within your Future Worlds Project
Develop a promotional video for your game.
Go to the Tracker HERE
Read the comments from me.
If you have made progress in any area leave a comment for me:

ENSURE ALL YOUR WORK IS IN THE CORRECT FOLDERS - If it is not, then I will not be able to see it to mark it!

classroom.google.com - for the checklist or on paper.

Red Task
1. Create the following in Movie Maker:
- Title Screen
- Pegi Rating Screen
- Release date screen
Comments and quotes about your game screen

What console(s) it will be released on

Remember to Save your work as a project

Amber Task
- Create Video clips of your game in action with Screen Cast-O-Matic
- Add music to your video

LASTLY - Save your video as a movie

WARNING - once you save your video as a movie, you will not be able to edit it again.

Green Task

Go to classroom.google.com
Open the Game Review Template

Use the example Fifa review to give you ideas for your own review.

Edit the document to build your own review of your game

Add comments to the tracker on the progress you have made in class as in the starter.


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