
Showing posts from May, 2016


Learning Objective:  Understand how to run database queries using SQL (GCSE Level) Starter What types of data does your database hold? e.g. names, price Database definition -  A database is a computerised system that makes it easy to search, select and store information. Databases are used in many different places. Main Game! What is SQL? RED TASK 1. Complete the SELECT:Basics Tutorial on 2. Screenshot your work and place in to a MS Word document. 3. Annotate your work explaining what you have done using SQL   AMBER TASK 1. Click on the link at the bottom of the basics tutorial called '  SELECT statements with WHERE. ' 2. Complete tasks 1 and 2 using WHERE. Read the instructions carefully. 3. Screenshot your work and place in to a MS Word document. 4. Annotate your work explaining what you have done using SQL GREEN TASK 1. Complete task 3 in the  SELECT statements with WHERE tutorial. 2.  Scr...


Learning Objective: Understand professional game making testing by creating a development log. Develop game making skills using Game Maker Download the 4 parts of the Development Log by clicking  HERE Save them in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence --> Development Log Copy and paste your rules from rules log into the formative testing section Test your game to see if your buttons work correctly - record your results in the development log and fix any problems Platform/Maze Create your outer walls and platforms/maze walls in each room. Create an 'exit' to be able to go on to the next room. PLATFORM TUTORIALS SCROLLING Follow the tutorial below to start creating your game. SCROLLING GAME TUTORIALS OTHER Resources below to help other types of games or ones listed above GAME MAKER WEBSITE GAME MAKER MANUAL


Learning Objective: Understand how to use selection to create a simple calculator VIDEO What is the software called that we use to code in Python? How do we open it? What is the first thing we must do before we start writing code? Go to   and open up the Python - lesson 3 slides   Task 1 (Slide 3) Open up IDLE  Get ready in Script mode Task 2 (slide 4-6) Write the code in to IDLE Screen shot your program and code. Write a paragraph about what the code is doing Task  3(slide 8-10) Watch the video Write the code in to IDLE Screen shot your program and code. Write a paragraph about what the code is doing Task 3b - Extension (slides 11-12) Add to your previous code that allows options to include multiplication and division. Task 4 - Extension Imagine you needed to explain what the print function does and how to use it. Can you do the same for a variable and selection? Open...


Learning Objective:  Develop image  manipulation skills using  Adobe Illustrator Go to Choose a cartoon to make, Follow the tutorials on the webpage. Extension: Create your own design using Adobe Illustrator, could you use photoshop? Showcase!


Learning Objective:  Create website pages  using Adobe  Dreamweaver Create your Banner in PhotoShop 1024 x 250 PIXELS RED TASK Have you: 1. Managed your sites? 2. Created a blank HTML Template? 3. Set container to 100%? 4. Inserted an editable region? 5. Saved your template as HTML? Work through the first 5 videos HERE AMBER TASK Insert your banner in to your Template. Follow the number 6 tutorial HERE GREEN TASK Create and link pages from your template. Follow tutorial 8 and 9 HERE Note down what task you are on.... What did you find difficult? What was easy?


11m7   Download the Slides HERE


Learning Objective:  Understand professional aspects of computer game development using Game maker and Photoshop Fill in Task 1 on your sheet  Let's share what opinions we have.... - Follow the tasks on your sheet. - Highlight over each of the tasks you complete. - Put your name on the board when you have completed RED Task Create a rough sketch of how you would like your loading screen to look in your game... AMBER Task Create your own loading screen using Adobe Photoshop GREEN task Add your loading screen to your Game Extension: a) Add the feedback from your loading screen to your development log. b) On the sheet go to the link and create a custom loading screen c) Create a Favicon for your game! What is a favicon? Upload one of your character graphics to this site  and it will turn it into a favicon for you Save the favicon into Sites --> DA2...


Learning Objective: Understand and be able to create and assign variables in Python What do you think is meant by syntax? What is then meant by a syntax error? Definition of Syntax: " the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language" Go to to follow the tasks to understand variables Extensions: Find the meanings of a string and integer. Now create a small program asking the user a question with an answer that is a string and another question that is an integer. Make sure you display the answers appropriately. Hand in your work via google classroom. Answer the question on google classroom - be prepared to share!  MONTY PYTHON


Learning Objective:  Develop image  manipulation skills using  Adobe Photoshop Real or Photoshop? Task 1:   Download the Montage Resources i n  - resources Task 2:  Create a montage of your own using some (or all) of the tools and techniques listed below. There is a YouTube video for each skill in the resources pack. Crop Layers Drop Shadow Outer Glow Free Transform Stroke Quick Selection Complete the end of lesson form on Can you think of any other tools we could use?


Learning Objective: Be able to recognise the different types of networks and where they are used LAN/WAN? TASK What topology are you? Work out which topology your group is. You will be presenting your topology to the class using each other to physically represent how your topology works. You will also need to explain the advantages and disadvantages of your topology.  Extension: Work through the tasks HERE You will need to download the file Answer the questions on the form


Learning Objective:  Understand and be able to use basic Python Syntax Kahoot - how much do you know now? Use a memorable name...we will try again another day! Task 1 Create a Folder in Sites/Computer Science called Python Training Task 2 Open a new file in IDLE to start coding... From the Start menu select ALL PROGRAMS > ICT & BUSINESS > IDLE (Python GUI) For each new program created you have to start a new Python file by clicking File > New Save each program you make in your new Python Training folder Task 3 Follow the steps in the tutorial below to understand how to use the print function. Extension: Create your own programs that output your favourite food/sports/films. Remember to save each as a new file. Sign up to Codecadmey Can you research how you will be able to allow the user to input some information? What did you create this lesson? What function did you use? What does it do? Have you lea...


Learning Objective:  T o develop your understanding of game making Check that your main sprite is saved as a   PNG If it is   NOT  then open your main sprite in  Photoshop and save as PNG RED TASK Follow the  'How to add your sprites into Gamemaker'  tutorial AMBER TASK Add backgrounds - use the Create a Background button to load your screens into GameMaker For each  room  set the correct background GREEN TASK Create your buttons using the video below Download the 4 parts of the Development Log by clicking  HERE Save them in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence --> Development Log Copy and paste your rules from rules log into the formative testing section Test your game to see if your buttons work correctly - record your results in the development log and fix any problems


Learning Objective:  Be able to identify  how to keep safe when  using computers and  recognise the legal  requirements for  businesses. Task In groups create a poster that could be displayed in offices informing the workers about health and safety issues when working with computers. You must include: The Risks Solutions The Law Show case!