
Learning Objective: Understand professional aspects of computer game development using Game maker and Photoshop

Fill in Task 1 on your sheet 

Let's share what opinions we have....

- Follow the tasks on your sheet.
- Highlight over each of the tasks you complete.
- Put your name on the board when you have completed

RED Task
Create a rough sketch of how you would like your loading screen to look in your game...

Create your own loading screen using Adobe Photoshop

GREEN task
Add your loading screen to your Game

a) Add the feedback from your loading screen to your development log.

b) On the sheet go to the link and create a custom loading screen

c) Create a Favicon for your game!
What is a favicon?

  • Upload one of your character graphics to this site http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/ and it will turn it into a favicon for you
  • Save the favicon into Sites --> DA204SPB --> Products
1. Click on Global Game Settings

2. Click on the loading tab and change the game icon

In pairs, feedback on the loading screens using the Task Sheet.

Showcase - I will pick a pair to showcase their work....


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