
Learning Objective: Develop Word processing skills using Microsoft Word

Task on Worksheet
In partners or on your own, Look at the text above.
How could you make this clearer for the reader you use?
Think about SPAG, fonts, sizes.
    1. Circle the areas you would change in the text above.
    2. Write below what would you do to change the areas you have circled.

Task 1
Go to classroom.google.com
Go to your class name.

Task 2
Answer the first question honestly - we will revisit this at the end of the lesson too.

Task 3
Open up the assignment and work through the sheet to create a Word Document about you.

There will be paper copies of the worksheet if needed.

You must ask a friend first if you are unsure of how to do something, then ask another class mate before you ask a teacher.

Answer the last 2 questions in google classroom.
I will read a couple of answers out.


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