9P2 - Cover. Click Me

Learning Objective: Complete your tile set designs. 
Complete your platform designs.

1. Ensure you have updated your development logs (classroom.google.com)
2. All screens should be complete
3. All backgrounds and rooms should have been created
4. All buttons should have been created
5. Ensure the Cida Tracker is up to date (both tabs)

Task 1
Complete your tile set designs in classroom.google.com.
Download your designs in to the Game folder
1. Remember they are very small so don't spend ages on the design
2. You do not have to use all of the tile designs
3. You can add more tile designs by copying the google drawing
4. When downloading the images, download as a .png
5. You can change these later if need be (very easily)

Task 2
Complete your platform designs in your game:

1. Insert your tiles as a background but make sure you click the 'tile set' box (name them appropriately):
Task 3
Design your platforms/walls etc with your tiles in EVERY level
1. Make sure your game is easy at the start.
2. You will be adding enemies in later, think about where they might go.
3. We will design a 'doorway' for the main character to get to the next level...where will that go?


1. Create a new Sprite that will be your platforms/walls.
2. Make an object for your platforms/walls.
What options do you think we will need to select for your platforms and walls??
3. Go over your tiles with this object...why??

Update the Tracker!


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