
Learning Objective: Complete all buttons for your screen.
Use objects to create platforms for your game.
Understand what a tile set is for a game and develop your own tile set for your game.

Development Logs recap:
How many are there?
What are they used for?
When should you be updating them?

Task 1
Complete buttons for the following:
1. Start Button (goes to Level 1)
2. Backstory Button (goes to Backstory Screen)
3. Instructions Button (goes to Instructions Screen)
4. Back Button (goes back to the main menu)
5. Exit Button (Quits the game)

Task 2
1. Go to classroom.google.com
2. Go to the assignment 'Create your own tile set'
What is a tile set?!
3. Design your own tile set from the templates.
4. Download your tile set to the appropriate folder.

Task 3
1. Insert your tiles as a background but make sure you click the 'tile set' box:
2. Design your platforms/walls etc with your tiles.
3. Do this for every level

1. Create a new Sprite that will be your platforms/walls.
2. Make an object for your platforms/walls.
What options do you think we will need to select for your platforms and walls??
3. Go over your tiles with this object...why??

Update your development logs, assets table and Trackers
