
Learning Objective: Understand and be able to use basic Python Syntax

Kahoot - how much do you know now?
Use a memorable name...we will try again another day!

Task 1

Create a Folder in Sites/Computer Science called Python Training

Task 2
Open a new file in IDLE to start coding...
  • From the Start menu select ALL PROGRAMS > ICT & BUSINESS > IDLE (Python GUI)
  • For each new program created you have to start a new Python file by clicking File > New
  • Save each program you make in your new Python Training folder
Task 3
Follow the steps in the tutorial below to understand how to use the print function.


Create your own programs that output your favourite food/sports/films. Remember to save each as a new file.
Sign up to Codecadmey
Can you research how you will be able to allow the user to input some information?

What did you create this lesson?
What function did you use?
What does it do?
Have you learnt anything new?
Did you get any errors?


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