Learning Objective: Develop python programming skills using independent learning

1. Open up the Tracker HERE
Where are you at?
2. Go to classroom.google.com
3. Open the slides you need to complete...
4. Open IDLE....what is the first thing we do before programming (new file)

Red Task
Complete Part 1 of 'Python 3' in classroom.google.com
Note - This is about Errors. Develop your understanding of errors by researching online and reading the instructions carefully!

Amber Task
Complete Part 2 of 'Python 3' in classroom.google.com
Note - This is about comments and data types. Develop your understanding of these by researching online and reading the instructions carefully!

Green Task

Complete Part 3 of 'Python 3' in classroom.google.com
Note - This is about variables. Read the instructions carefully and help each other.

Send me an email (Applegate) with which slides you have completed (to update the tracker).
Your homework is to finish any slides you have not completed - Due in on Tuesday 8th November (Use clinics if need be)


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