Learning Objective: Understand and be able to use basic Python Syntax

How might learning to code help you in all aspects of life?

Red Task
Make a new folder in your sites folder called 'Year 8 Python'

Open Python 3.4 IDLE - Select a new file

Watch me and help each other....

Amber Task
Write a program that will display Hello World
Keyword - STRING

Save and Run your program - How?

Take a screenshot of your code and program working. Add this to your evidence document in classroom.google.com

Green Task
Type the code below in to your program:

What happens?
How will you create code that asks the user their age?
What else can you ask and display?

Extension - What do you think the code below will do? Try it to see if your prediction is correct...

Did anyone get any errors?
What was it called?
Can we add anything to the keyword board?



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