Year 7
Open up GameMaker and your game.
What did we do last lesson?
What is the difference between an object and sprite?
Task 1
1. Ensure you have completed the wall and added your main character object to the your room.
2. Follow the steps on the worksheet to complete the programming for your main character to move
Task 2
1. Ensure you have a collectable sprite/object
2. Follow the steps on worksheet to program your collectable to disappear when it collides with you main character
Task 3
1. Continue to follow the steps on the worksheet to create a score board that adds points when your character collects the items.
2. Test your game - If it doesn't work, what can you do to work out the problem?
1. Make your room in to a maze game - how will you do that?
2. Ensure you have an enemy sprite/object
What events did you use when programming today?
What actions did you use when programming today?
Name one thing you enjoyed doing today?
Name one thing you found hard today?
Is there any tips you would pass on to your friends when using GameMaker?
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