Year 7

Learning Objective: Be able to demonstrate how to program objects independently using available resources.



Open up GameMaker and your game.
What did we do in the last lesson?
Independent working - what does it mean?

Task 1
1. Ensure you have completed the programming for your main character to move using the worksheet and experts.

Task 2
1. Ensure you have a collectible - How can you make one?
2. Ensure you have completed the programming for your collectible to be collected (through your main character) using the worksheet and experts.

Task 3
1. Ensure you have a sprite and an object for your enemy.
2. Program your enemy to move around the screen.
3. Test your game - If it doesn't work, what can you do to work out the problem?

1. How might you make the enemy hurt the main character?
2.How might you program another level?
3. Are there any resources to help you?

What events did you use when programming today?
What actions did you use when programming today?
Name one thing you enjoyed doing today?
Name one thing you found hard today?
Is there any tips you would pass on to your friends when using GameMaker?


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