
Learning Objective: Demonstrate programming skills using Game Maker by creating a simple game

Play the Game! 
Click on the link above and download the .exe file.

What are your opinions?
Can you tell me what parts of the game is a Sprite?

Create the game using the Tutorials

You can use the paper tutorials or the tutorial in Game Maker.... 

Task 1Copy the link below:
\\files.wildern.hants.sch.uk\read\ICT\Miss Applegate\Click The Fruit Resources

Paste the link in to a web browser 

Download the folder and save in to your area

Task 2

Create and add all the Sprites to your game by following the first tutorial task.

Remember to read the instructions fully!

Task 3 (green eref if completed)

Add and edit all objects to the Sprites by completing the second tutorial task.

Task 4 (gold eref if completed)

Create and edit a room for your objects to be placed in. Run and test your game!


Add sound, bombs and instructions by following the Task 4 to Task 6 tutorials.

Help your partner assess what they need to do to complete the task they are currently on. Use the post-it note provided.

Can you tell the class 1 new thing you have learnt today?


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