
Learning Objective: Understand what an algorithm is used for using flowcharts or pseudocode.

Have a go at the quiz in blue or black pen

Task 1

Use the resources below to write a definition of an algorithm, flowchart and pseudocode in your books.
Ensure you use correct punctuation and grammar! 

Video 1
BBC resource
Teach ICT - Flowcharts
Teach ICT - PseudoCode

In computing, an Algorithm is a a step by step set of instructions for the computer to follow.

Task 2
Complete the flowchart worksheet.
Match the correct symbols to the correct description and glue it in to your book.

Task 3
Draw a flowchart for one of the following algorithms in your book using the correct symbols:
1. Crossing the road
2. Making a cup of tea
3. Making a sandwich

Click HERE to test your knowledge
Username - Wildern
Password - factor43

Peer assess your partner's Flowcharts and definitions with post-it notes on their work:
Task 1
Have they completed the task?
Do you understand their definitions?
Have they used the correct SPAG?

Task 2
Have they completed the task?
Are the symbols matched to the correct descriptions?

Task 3
Have they completed the task?
Are the correct symbols used?
Have they used decisions/questions in their flowchart?
Can they improve the flowchart? How?
